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The reasons why I hate german language:

-in this language you have to write ALL nouns by a big letter

-they write "twenty five" like "funfundzwanzig" - all numbers higher then 20 are write like this.

-I love you is in german "Ich liebe Dich". Maaaan what women would like to hear declaration of love like this???

-for some typical for polish people political reasons

And the most important reason - This language is just UGLY

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I love you is in german "Ich liebe Dich". Maaaan what women would like to hear declaration of love like this???
Everyone. It doesn’t matter which language you’re speaking. You can say it in Suahili.
they write "twenty five" like "funfundzwanzig"
Spelling is not a problem, try to say it. But, IMHO, Panzerkampfwagen souds better than a tank.


And the most important reason - This language is just UGLY
Why? Ugly can be Shreck, not language.
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I love you is in german "Ich liebe Dich". Maaaan what women would like to hear declaration of love like this???

Don't forget that "a butterfly" in German means "Schmetterling".

O, gosh!


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A little experiment joke - my favourite by the way. I wonder how many of you will get it :>

A pirate with a steering wheel in his pants comes into a bar. The bartender looks at him and says:

'Hey, you've got a steering wheel in yer pants'

And the pirate answers:

'Yarrr! It be drivin' me nuts!'

Take care :D

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have you lot ever wondered what foreign people think about our language ? 8)

Well, mostly they can't tell Polish from Russian in fact. :) In my opinion they think, that our language is quite hard to learn. They are right ;) Even Polish people have problems with it :P (See some posts on this forum :) )

Hm... German. I've learned this language by four years in erm... technikum :P (how it's in English???), and I don't have good reminiscences. I was scared by very long words, like Panzerkampfwagen (not exactly this :P ).

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Everyone. It doesn’t matter which language you’re speaking. You can say it in Suahili.

I mean the romantic way - eXpensive restaurant, great wine, candles, romantic music and... ICH LIEBE DICH! - It just don't fit together.

Spelling is not a problem, try to say it. But, IMHO, Panzerkampfwagen souds better than a tank.

Panzerkampfwagen for me sounds similiar to this word from Eurotrip, when this guy went to whorehouse in Amsterdam :D .

In exact translation Panzerkampfwagen is Military armored vehicle???

German people just like to make their life more difficult, it's better to use one word name then 3 word name.

Tank or czołg are better words in use especialy at the battle field.

It's easier to say "enemy tanks are uproaching" then "enemy panzerkampfwagen are uproaching".


Compare these three words

Siły Powietrzne - sounds good

Air Force - sounds even better


Luftwaffe - maan for me german language is good only for music of Ramstein and for name of Wolfenstein.

Why? Ugly can be Shreck, not language.

"Schmetterling","Ich liebe dich", "schmuck" these words are just ugly, and german language is full of words similiar to them.

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yeah agreed polish is hard as fook but sometimes you can't get simpler lol I've got a good example, you know like in english you say " I'm having a poo" in polish it's just " [beeep] " :lol:

[beeep] is in english "I'm shitting. "I'm having a poo" means robię kupę, but I prefer "I'm in the bathroom" :D .

And back to the topic - Polish is almost as hard as Chinese to lern, but its one of the most beatiful languages for me and I'm proud of it :D .

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I mean the romantic way - eXpensive restaurant, great wine, candles, romantic music and... ICH LIEBE DICH! - It just don't fit together.
Why not? You wrote „romantic music”. Listen to Marlena Dietrich, for example „Sag mir wo die Blumen sind”. It’s one of the best romantic songs. Most important in love are feelings, not words.
Tank or czołg are better words in use especialy at the battle field.
But Panzerkampfwagen sounds more threatening.
It's easier to say "enemy tanks are uproaching" then "enemy panzerkampfwagen are uproaching".
It’s easier to say „Achtung! Panzer” than „Attention! Tanks” If you want to compare some sentences, use original versions. Don’t mix different languges.
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English is much better than germans

I learn english since 2002 and i learnt germans since 2001 and I think english is better.

In Germans,i can say only "Hande Holt"

But i think, it's enought. :)

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English is much better than germans

I learn english since 2002 and i learnt germans since 2001 and I think english is better.

In Germans,i can say only "Hande Holt"

But i think, it's enought. :)

Let me tell you something. I've been learning both languages since 1990(!) I've come to notice that from a certain point no lessons can do you any more good regarding learning the language. You just learn it yourself by watching movies, listening to songs, reading news, playing computer games etc. It's no problem with English, which is everywhere around us. And German? Goddamn, this language is so ugly that even if it was as popular as English I couldn't learn it because I'd be so disgusted by it.

I'm joking of course but there's a bit of truth in what I'm saying.

Anyway, what I wanted to say is - you're right. From my, completely subjective, point of view English is indeed better than German. (Not that I have something against German people because I don't).

Oh and a word of advice in the end: In German it's "Haende hoch" ('ae' as with an 'a' with two dots above it) ;)

Take care.

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Sram is in english "I'm shitting."

i am afraid, there is nothing like "i am shitting" in english ;P Maybe it can be a slang expression :) anyways - nice try :D

True. The proper expression is 'I'm taking a shit/dump/crap'.

Still you can use 'shitting' form in slang: 'You're shitting me' - You're kidding or 'I shit you not' - I'm not kidding :)

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Why not? You wrote „romantic music”. Listen to Marlena Dietrich, for example „Sag mir wo die Blumen sind”. It’s one of the best romantic songs. Most important in love are feelings, not words.

I 'm not saying that filings aren't most important, but I mean that woman would want to hear "I love you" or "Kocham Cię" very much more than "Ich Liebe Dich". I haven't ever heard Mrlena Dietrich songs, so I can't say that they are good or bad. But I heard german songs wich suppoust to be romantic, and they're making me laugh everytime I hear them.

But Panzerkampfwagen sounds more threatening.

It’s easier to say „Achtung! Panzer” than „Attention! Tanks” If you want to compare some sentences, use original versions. Don’t mix different languges.

Its no difference in saying „Achtung! Panzer” and „Attention! Tanks”.

"Pazerkampfwagen" don't sound more threathaning than "Military armored vehicle". Between words "Panzer" and "Tank"(wich germans uses too) is no difference neither. Because for some people theese words sound better in german than in english, and for some better in english than in german. But I bon't belive that for someone "Shmuck" would sond better than "Jewellery".

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It's easier to say "enemy tanks are uproaching" then "enemy panzerkampfwagen are uproaching".

WHAT are they doing?!

By the way, it's good to know German. You probably know this joke, but just if someone doesn't:

II World War. Russian soldiers are desecrating German graveyard. They're jumping over the gravestones, reading who's lying there:

- Albert Hess

- Bruno Schwarz

- Herman Guttman

- Edward von Klinkerhoffen

- Achtung Minen

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