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Only English :)

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Wazzzuuup?????? Nice topic BTW.

You assumed the cool topic and I am congratulating correct English!

Good luck PPL!

Too bad we cant congratulate you the same :P

And now sth about me :) Im pleased to tell ya that I have passed the cae exam (ahh I just HAD to write this, Im so proud of myself :lol: )

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I'll try to reactive this topic, because now your messages became really pathetic :) Well, I would like to ask you about English culture- have you ever been to this beautiful (?) country? It will be very useful for me, because english competitions are coming and my weakness is history of UK and its art. Or perhaps you know something interesting/amusing about people from that country? Write then!

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Well, it's really good idea, but I would rather do it in some other way. So, what to say about it...em.. It's impossible for people from other countries to find this topic so it lose any sens. Why Polish people would feel like talking in English on Polish forum, especially if they're making mistakes and noone will correct them. So you can't learn anything from posts on this forum because of it can be a lot of mistakes in every letter. It's like doing mathemathic only with calculator. It can sometimes help, but it wouldn't learn you mathematics. :D

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I didn't mean like that. You know.. we're usually using either "literature English" or Polish schools English" so we can't use it in exactly same way as Englishman do. If you read text of native Englishman you're sure that it's correct and you can learn sthg. from it. It'd be better idea to change this topic into, oh what to say... separate (semi)forum. Then if sb from Englishspeaking country enter this forum, he will know where he can get some inforamtions about CDA. In that way it's done it's only for people who can't use English properly and want to improve English. Well in conclusion I think this topic is only for people who have some basics, because others wouldn't learn anything from it. Pointing mistakes isn't a method to teach sb language especially if it is done by a man who hasn't any authority in English. You can also make mistakes.

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Uniden - very often English speakers use constructions which are not allowed by their own grammar. Language is not a stiff concept, full of rules that you need to abide by or die :P So there is nothing wrong in trying to share our own 'version' of the language with others. In fact, that's the very same thing you do with Polish, too. And another thing - making mistakes is part and parcel of acquiring a new language. You'll never fully eliminate them, neither from English nor from Polish, for that matter. Of course, stupid mistakes like "weszłem" and alike are a horse of a different color.

If you fail to accept my explanation, try to look at this thread as a kind of fun. You know, expressing ourselves in a more 'distant' way, that is not in a language that we "feel", but in a language that we only "know" ;) Get it? Probably not, but don't worry... It's just me.

Now, if you are still going to argue that it is pointless to have a topic like this on this forum, than, well, what can I say... Farewell ;)

Xander - do you know that in most cases you can't use "will" after "if"?*

*No offence, I am just being snide.

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Uniden - very often English speakers use constructions which are not allowed by their own grammar. Language is not a stiff concept, full of rules that you need to abide by or die :P So there is nothing wrong in trying to share our own 'version' of the language with others. In fact, that's the very same thing you do with Polish, too. And another thing - making mistakes is part and parcel of acquiring a new language. You'll never fully eliminate them, neither from English nor from Polish, for that matter. Of course, stupid mistakes like "weszłem" and alike are a horse of a different color.

If you fail to accept my explanation, try to look at this thread as a kind of fun. You know, expressing ourselves in a more 'distant' way, that is not in a language that we "feel", but in a language that we only "know" ;) Get it? Probably not, but don't worry... It's just me.

Now, if you are still going to argue that it is pointless to have a topic like this on this forum, than, well, what can I say... Farewell ;)

Xander - do you know that in most cases you can't use "will" after "if"?*

*No offence, I am just being snide.

Sorry, it's not "THAN" it's "THEN"

I'm just being better than you ^^

Po polsku: Then i Than to 2 kompletnie odmiennego znaczenia określenia.

Then używa się w przypadku czynności itp. Naprzykład "I'll first buy some sandwiches, then i'll go and buy some chips for you" (Najpierw kupie pare kanapek, a potem pójde kupić ci chipsy"

Than używa się w kontekście wykazania nierówności czegoś.

Np. "I'm better than you", "I got bigger balls than you", "My handy is better than yours" (Jestem lepszy niż ty, Mam większe jaja niż ty, Moja komórka jest lepsza od twojej)

Then i Than to NAJCZĘŚCIEJ popełniany błąd gramatyczny w internecie, - tak również w przypadku Amerykaninów i Anglików (mimo że mają inny akcent, i kilka określen innych [soccer - Football]) to i tak są w 99% takie same.

Let's end this whole bullshit and go on with our lives, shall we?? (remember, there's ALWAYS a bigger fish, in this case it's me :wink: )

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Sorry, it's not "THAN" it's "THEN"

I'm just being better than you ^^

Po polsku: Then i Than to 2 kompletnie odmiennego znaczenia określenia.

Then używa się w przypadku czynności itp. Naprzykład "I'll first buy some sandwiches, then i'll go and buy some chips for you" (Najpierw kupie pare kanapek, a potem pójde kupić ci chipsy"

Than używa się w kontekście wykazania nierówności czegoś.

Np. "I'm better than you", "I got bigger balls than you", "My handy is better than yours" (Jestem lepszy niż ty, Mam większe jaja niż ty, Moja komórka jest lepsza od twojej)

Then i Than to NAJCZĘŚCIEJ popełniany błąd gramatyczny w internecie, - tak również w przypadku Amerykaninów i Anglików (mimo że mają inny akcent, i kilka określen innych [soccer - Football]) to i tak są w 99% takie same.

I thought, we are supossed to use english in this topic. If you REALLY must use polish, then at least do it right.

- kompletnie odmiennego znaczenia określenia. - bad word order

-Naprzykład - "Na przykład"

-tak -unneseccery

-Amerykaninów - or mayby "Amerykanów"?

-również w przypadku Amerykaninów i Anglików (mimo że mają inny akcent, i kilka określen innych [soccer - Football]) to i tak są w 99% takie same.- whole sentence is illogical, and you can't tell what is the same.

There are some mistakes in your english too.

-being - unnecessary

-i'll - I'll - you always use big letters, while using "I"

- got - and where is have?

(remember, there's ALWAYS a bigger fish, in this case it's me :wink: )

Yeah, right. I guess that I'm the biggest fish now. :P At least for some time. :).

IMVHO everyone makes mistakes, so stop being a sindes. 8)

Although, I'm also a snide.... I'm a bad person. :twisted:

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Solaris, i didn't mean like that, I' m trying to say that this topic is only for fun and nothing else. You know.. somewhere in this topic i read that it can help in learning English and my last posts were reaction to what I read. I don't think this topic is bad idea at all.

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FFS, stop that nonsense. Apparently, most of you did not understand that what I did was SARCASTIC. I wasn't trying to show you all how perfect my English is, or how bad the English of Xander is. I don't think it is, I was just taken aback when he said: "I can start pointing out people's mistakes as they make them." It's a bit stuck up, so I used a sarcasm to express my opinion. Period.

I make mistakes as well, some quite as stupid as the "then" thing. So cease the feckin' "bigger fish" business, 'cause it'll take us nowhere.

Noin, thanks for the lecture, but I'm aware of that... I mean, it might have been mentioned once or twice during my 15 years of learning :P

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...or how bad the English of Xander is.

Oi. It's good enough to land me a CPE with an A grade. It's good enough for me to get my point across with no trouble on an english-only forum. And it bloody well is good enough as far as I'm concerned.

Besides, it's not like everyone doesn't make minor mistakes now and then, eh?

Sarcasm or not, it's a bit of a touchy subject for me, you know?

By the way, shouldn't that be " bad Xander's English is"?

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...or how bad the English of Xander is.

Oi. It's good enough to land me a CPE with an A grade. It's good enough for me to get my point across with no trouble on an english-only forum. And it bloody well is good enough as far as I'm concerned.

Besides, it's not like everyone doesn't make minor mistakes now and then, eh?

Mate, you quoted a sentence I wrote, but you failed to quote the next one, which said: "I don't think it is." For perfect clarity: I did not say, nor do I think, that your English skills are poor. On the contrary, they struck me as close to flawless, but that does not give you the right to tell the rest of the world (here - other users discussing this thread) that you are wise enough to point at mistakes made by others. As you yourself observed, "it's not like everyone doesn't make minor mistakes now and then", so remember this (correcting mistakes) works both ways.

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My mistake... it's what I get for reading forums late at night, I suppose.

The offer to correct other people was my attempt at humour, by the way... or at the very least, it seemed funny at the time. Sort of.

Look, nobody's paying me to be funny... you get what you pay for.

That is not very christian-like... You should bear it with humility.

There's this old saying... "If you've got it, flaunt it."

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Why we must write on this forum from english language? I am learning this language from games (Oblivion...) and lessons but I don't like write on english!!!! Whait. I write.... .... ........... .....ENGLISH!!!!

English is easy!

English is cool!

I'm teaching you...


You teaching.... MEEE!!!

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