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Only English :)

Gość Qn`ik

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And finally, the time has come! The entire kingdom shall fall... No, not that.

And finally, the time has come! I shall posses your souls and... Nope, not this one, either... aaah, here it is:


And finally, the time has come! The whole truth will be revealed! Soon, all of you pathetic fools (don't take it personally, it's just I've always wanted to say that ^^) will become aware of the fact, that some of us declare their will to speak English, and some of us really DO speak English. What I am driving at - your notice of my ignorance in terms of the noble language is subsequent and inevitable. Not to mention my grammar and spelling.

Still, I heiled myself as the traitor of Polish (in favour of English, naturally) long ago and I do not intend to give the noble title up for the time being ;)

OK, that was something about me, now it's time to state a few facts about... errr... myself. Firstly, I have absolutely no idea how long I have been learning English so far. I guess it's about eleven, maybe twelve years, but it's a rather rough estimation. Who cares, anyway ;)

Three months ago I attempted the Advanced Examination and hardly manage to pass it... But I DID manage ;) And that's all, I think...

My speciality is picking out quotes from computer games and movies. That's one of the reasons why I find Max Payne and Warcraft III so exhilarating ;) Hovever, "Pirates of the Carribean" still rule... ;)

And, finally, I would like to warn you aganst most common mistakes of mine. These are: spelling mistakes and illogical vocabulary (in other words - I tend to use sophisticated vocabulary, so from time to time I "create" absurd sentences. Recently that was "Changing your work may change your life deliberately". Don't ask me what I meant...).

My apologies for taking so much place. If you have read everything 'till this point - I pity you ;)

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---> FCE, you say? I also tried this year but I thought that driving license is more important, and now I have no FCE and no driving license (who wants to pass it winter, with all the snow on the streets and... and... you know! )
Since FCE has nothing to do with GCSE, I really have better ways to spend 500zl. Maybe before college...
i have one question to all of you, who're 'before matura'. whitch level will you write ? i mean normal or expended ?
A strange question, I must admin. AFAIK we have to write the standart GCSE test before taking the extended one, so it's rather a kind of question whether we take or not the extended level.
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Hello everybody! My english is not bad, but I prefer in this language speak (grammar is worse in comparison with phonetics). So I will be more read this topic than write its (Are you happy?:)

Pałer łyf ju :lol:

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Gość słoma212

Yeah men % women, good idea, i think so! I learn English for 8 years (from pre-elemental school aka zerówka :P ). I think that topic is similar to "Forumowicze about themselves". What do you think? May we talk in that topic in English, too hmmm?

Gretings Skwa... sloma212 :wink:

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Maybe I say something about me, but quite longer.

I usually don't like games with polish sub [i dont know that i say it right :? ], because always original version is better than polish [my opinion], and my english is good enough to translate dialogs/text by myself.

Also, I wathed film on my computer with English sub and again I must translate it by myself :)

My "English" skills, are better to translating, than to speak or write, so if i write something bad - please correct me^^

Question>>> Do you have something like that?: You first time hear the English word and you now what does it mean?

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Maybe I say something about me, but quite longer.

I usually don't like games with polish sub [i dont know that i say it right :? ], because always original version is better than polish [my opinion], and my english is good enough to translate dialogs/text by myself.

Also, I wathed film on my computer with English sub and again I must translate it by myself :)

My "English" skills, are better to translating, than to speak or write, so if i write something bad - please correct me^^

Question>>> Do you have something like that?: You first time hear the English word and you now what does it mean?

IMO translating english games is good. Not always, but usually it's neccesary. Not many people know Englsih such good to play games comfortable. In some games (like sport games) translating is stupid idea. I think in that sort translating isn't neccesary (I like this word).

PS Sorry for me mistakes.

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Gość arti-fex

>cardi>> thx for 'extended' correction :) but why you're surprised of my question ? it's no doubt that most of users writing here will go for ext matura, but i won't, and i was just wondering who else.

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In some games (like sport games) translating is stupid idea. I think in that sort translating isn't neccesary (I like this word).PS Sorry for me mistakes.
Oh yes, indeed (probably my favourite english word :wink: . You better use to it ). Maaaaany words I translate by myself, when I play game called "Championship Manager" (...Rules Forever 8) ).

About movies: for example in Germany all movies are dubbed (?). Yikes :?

Good way to die- speak to me in German Please, verything but not German, I don't like this language! Freanch is better but I don't have time to begin learn it. I mean I know some words like 'oui' (yes), I can introduce myself 'Je m'appele Ania' (or sth like that).
I don't like this language too :wink: . I learn German for 6 years and I can only introduce myself. And asked someone where he/she lives. That's all :P .

French - in Friday I have first lesson. Supposedly (dictionary :wink: ) very difficult language :roll: .

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Gość Radyan

arti-fex>>>I think I won't go for an extended test. Firstly: I'm not good enough and seondly: I won't be good enough. I have never spoken to foreigners in English (well, maybe I've spoken - but people, who I was talking to knew about this language even less than I did), so my knowlege is rather theoretical than practical. I'll try to work on my own - just like you said: films, books and even games in English are very good way to improve one's skills. In school I learn about grammar rules and so on, but I don't know enough words to carry on conversation. Moreover - I'm not expecting many situations in near foture that would help me to change this state.

Translating games - it depends. I don't like it, but others do. So the best way to make everybody happy is selling games in two versions - in Polish and in English.

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it's no doubt that most of users writing here will go for ext matura, but i won't, and i was just wondering who else.
Guess I misunderstood your sentence a little. Nevermind then, I just thought you asked who is willing to take normal OR extended exam, not AND ;]
About movies: for example in Germany all movies are dubbed (?). Yikes
It depends. If the dub has high quality (different actors dubbing voice, not just one reading text) - then I'm on it. If else - crap :)

It's sometimes hard to concentrate on the movie, while reading subs, so I have indifferent feelings towards it.

About translating - it's not just about being good in english language. I can clearly understand text while reading it in foreign language, but when the time comes to say a similar sentence in Polish - oops, Houston we've got a problem ;]

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As a student of English philology I will try to assist you as much as I can.

Perhaps you need an assistant? ;)

Long, long ago (in our galaxy, though) I had a brilliant idea of creating "English corner" on Cover CD (perhaps in Action Mag) and even discussed the matter with Qbuś and Cardinal. Unfortunartely, we did not and do not expect it to be popular enough.

and my absence won't be so visible.

Qbuś... It is your presence, rather than absence, that seems normal. Therefore, your absence is ALWAYS visible.

Good way to die- speak to me in German :D (ROTFL and double ROTFL, and even a triple ROTFL - Sol) Please, verything but not German, I don't like this language! Freanch is better but I don't have time to begin learn it

To begin learnING it or to begin TO learn it...

Anyway, I find German interresting as well, but French is something I can't bear. The language of the frog-eaters may not be normal ('youx' is pronounced as "ży", for instance. Unless I'm mistaken.)

But I have been thinking of taking up Dutch. It's similarity to German and English seems intruguing and I would like to see if I'm right...

We don't curse here in Polish so don't curse in English.

I believe "swear" is the word you want to use. "Curse" is something one of the Popes did to one of German emperors (Canossa? Anybody? :))

ama, rad - you're genius ! ^^

"Genius" is a noun. You need an adjective here - ingenious.

i have one question to all of you, who're 'before matura'. whitch level will you write ? i mean normal or expended ?

I'm indubitably going to write the extended level. It's the only subject I feel self-confident about, so from my point of view I have nothing to lose. Hopefully...

arti-fex>>>I think I won't go for an extended test. Firstly: I'm not good enough and seondly: I won't be good enough. I have never spoken to foreigners in English (well, maybe I've spoken - but people, who I was talking to knew about this language even less than I did), so my knowlege is rather theoretical than practical.

I don't get it... you're just too hard on yourself. I don't know what's wrong with your English skills, frankly. I'm quite sure you would be able to pass the extended version with no problem at all... Unless your vocabulary is poor, but it doesn't seem to be.

Translating games - it depends. I don't like it, but others do. So the best way to make everybody happy is selling games in two versions - in Polish and in English.

Ehhh... Quit dreaming, Radyan. I had this naive hope when I was 12 and now I'm pretty convinced that this sort of convenience is unachievable. :(

It's sometimes hard to concentrate on the movie, while reading subs, so I have indifferent feelings towards it.

In terms of subtitles - I have switched from Polish to English subtitles lately. I find it by far more entetraining and beneficial, but there are often some discrepancies between what is said and written. Pretty anoying, but not unbearable ;)

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Gość huntereagle
Yo, wazzup, all tha mothe***az! Yo, Mimizu is in tha house! Wanna talk in english, ai? Then I wanna talk with you, brothers! Yeah, my English is pretty fu***n' good. All tha mother****in' teachers knows that, ai? And u know that too, niggers!

Kiss My A**, white folks!

MC DJ DR Mimizu

(Powered by "Afro-Sland Dictionary")


Sorry for this post - I couldn' t stop myself. ;) If I hurt someone - I will delete it.

One more time post like this and I'll have to kick your back :P - Ama

Well, what can I say my dear Mimizu...YOU WHIGGA. Just Kidding buddy, I understand why you said what you said, it made me laugh although I'd probably add some more things to your post but it's good the way it is.

Great Idea with the thread I wonder how many pages we'll get by Saturday. Y'all wanna hear something about me. I've been learning English for the past seven, maybe even eight years. The last few years I spent here so I get some extra practice, and my English is great (not to brag or anything, and it's not what I think but that's what other people say) I realized that some of you mentioned translated versions of games. Personally, I don't like them. The other thing that sometimes drives me crazy are, translated titles of movies. The one that was the closest was Dante's Peak. Some titles are translated horribly, sometimes when I hear the Polish title I don't know what movie a person is talking about. That's all for now, take care everyone.

I'll talk to you later

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First of all sorry for my english but I'm from Poland :D

So mayby I'll introduce myself. My name is Krzysztof, I'm almost 18. MY nickname is Reaper but my friends call me Rip. I live in a village ( joke ) in part of Poland called Warmia & Mazury - in Olsztyn. Now I'm in second class of high school. In my freetime i play my guitar.

About translating - It's impossible to keep the orginal joke and word game from original english sentence. Eg. how would you translate this:

- Why is 6 afraid of 7?

- Beause 7 8 9.

When this joke is translated literally - word by word the whole joke makes no sence anymore. However there are some really good translations. Have you seen the orginal Shrek and the translated one? In my opinion polish wersion is far more better than the english one ( Sorry but I can't remember any example now ).

As far as titles are concerned, yes they are horrible. Eg title of a new movie called "Trapped" - was translated into "24 hours".

Ok and sorry for my spelling, but I dont have time to check it - I must go to school :)

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Hi.Anybody know some english difficult sentences like Polish "W Szczebrzeszynie .....".?I heared some of those sentences in radio ,and I think it is cool.

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Gość Radyan
arti-fex>>>I think I won't go for an extended test. Firstly: I'm not good enough and seondly: I won't be good enough. I have never spoken to foreigners in English (well, maybe I've spoken - but people, who I was talking to knew about this language even less than I did), so my knowlege is rather theoretical than practical.

I don't get it... you're just too hard on yourself. I don't know what's wrong with your English skills, frankly. I'm quite sure you would be able to pass the extended version with no problem at all... Unless your vocabulary is poor, but it doesn't seem to be.

It's obvious, because you've never spoken to me in this language. Writing, reading, and even tranlating - that's quite easy for me, but when it comes to talk - troubles start (I love rhyming ;)). Maybe I should practice more? I don't know, but surely I will try to do something in this matter - English is indispensable today, so I'll have to find a way of improing my skills if I want to achieve sth.

Translating games - it depends. I don't like it, but others do. So the best way to make everybody happy is selling games in two versions - in Polish and in English.

Ehhh... Quit dreaming, Radyan. I had this naive hope when I was 12 and now I'm pretty convinced that this sort of convenience is unachievable. :(

I have to disagree. Some games have already been published in this way (Serious Sam for example). Man, many people said that idea was great, so I think, that authors would do everything to satisfy customer - even if it would be connected with higher costs.

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I have to disagree. Some games have already been published in this way (Serious Sam for example). Man, many people said that idea was great, so I think, that authors would do everything to satisfy customer - even if it would be connected with higher costs.

Pardon me being so pessimistic, but I think that one swallow does not make a summer. Besides, someone mentioned the risk (perhaps that was someone from the CDA-crew ;)) of selling games published in Poland abroad, which seems quite logical an argument to me. Let us hope better times will come.

Speaking in English -> I find it troublesome as well. Now I have the comfort of thinking what sort of vocabulary and grammar structures to use, which is not possible while talking to somebody...


How, on Earth, did I manage to get by with such reading comprehension?? I apoligize, but I've only just noticed that I misunderstood you, Radyan, completely. You were speaking about TWO version - Polish and English, and I - no idea why - was thinking about "two in one" - A game in English + Polish patch, separately. So now I agree, that two versions you talked about are quite common (but still, not common enough), whereas MY idea seems unachievable as a standard.

My apologies once again, I shall read more carefully from now on :(

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Ehhh... Quit dreaming, Radyan. I had this naive hope when I was 12 and now I'm pretty convinced that this sort of convenience is unachievable.
And why is that? Recently Broken Sword 3 was published in this sort of way and I think it's just a beginning. Do you remember the whole BG1 translating affair? And now seeing a non-translated game is an exception. A rare one.
Hi.Anybody know some english difficult sentences like Polish "W Szczebrzeszynie .....".?I heared some of those sentences in radio ,and I think it is cool.
Nope, but your sentence remimded me of Beavis & Butthead... :D "Huh, huh, this sucks" :wink:
What ? This topic is another joke ? Lol I don't know this language ;]. Serious ! [sam] .

Ps. I love tanks [it's only for sepcial people]

Don't even try to tease us by speaking Japanese ;] I prefer swahili, thank you.
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Gość the_Stranger

Heh, interesting idea with this only- english topic :) But whats the main purpouse? What are we supposed to speak about? :P Making a second "Forumers about themselves" doesnt make much sense :)

Yippee, im graduating CAE in a couple of months :D

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Gość Radyan

So what? Do you expect sense in here? I don't want to disappoint you, but as far as i know people writing on this forum ther won't much sense in this topic ;). But you can always have hope ;)

Ok, let's start to talk about something - do like reading books in English? I tried with two - 'Ten Great Mysteries' by E.A. Poe and "Left hand of Darkness" by Ursula K. Le Guin. I must admit - I haven't finished anyone, but now I can tell Poe's poem "Haunted Palace". Quite a good one, I think.

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So what? Do you expect sense in here? I don't want to disappoint you, but as far as i know people writing on this forum ther won't much sense in this topic ;). But you can always have hope ;)

Ok, let's start to talk about something - do like reading books in English? I tried with two - 'Ten Great Mysteries' by E.A. Poe and "Left hand of Darkness" by Ursula K. Le Guin. I must admit - I haven't finished anyone, but now I can tell Poe's poem "Haunted Palace". Quite a good one, I think.

In terms of books, I have read "The Catcher in the Rye". I'd recommend it to everybody, as it is quite easy to understand, I feel. Moreover, I tried to get through "Lord of the Flies", but it was such a boring book, that I gave up after reading half of it. My next step will (hopefully) be "1984".

Should anybody find "The Dragon's day" (Richard A. Knaak) or "Lord of the Clans" (Christie Golden) in English - PLEASE inform me. I've been hunting for it for ages, unsuccesfully... :(

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In terms of books, I have read "The Catcher in the Rye". I'd recommend it to everybody, as it is quite easy to understand, I feel.
I hope that you recommend it as a simple book, not for being good in the overall ;] All I have to say about this book is: stay away :)

Oh, but I almost forgot to mention about m'self. As it goes, I've read "The Bear & The Dragon" by Tom Clancy - 1000 pages, lotta fun and a chance to know best political-fiction writer ever. Close behind goes "The River of Blue Fire" by Tad Williams. I'm afraid you will pass it, because the language used in this book is... how to say it, a bit overdissolute ;] There's several more, but I cant recall them right now. :)

How about watching movies in english without using subtitles. I;m quite happy, 'cause I just recently started to make out more than the general sense out of actors' sentences :) While all video stuff on my HDD is in english I have no big choice but to watch them as they go... partially because I'm too lazy to find any subs. :P

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I have read "Bill Gates and his fiscal empire",I think It is good book,but It isnt very easy to understand it.I think reading english book is good to improvement writing in this language.

How about watching movies in english without using subtitles.
I like watch those movies,but IMHO the best are comedies.Some polish translation isnt good.
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After my quite long absence I decided to write my first post(is it the proper name?). I was delighted and surprised a bit, that this topic had appeared. This is nice idea. Well, I have been learning English for almost 13 years and this is my favourite foreign language (Just like my brother's... hi,hi... you don't know who my brother is :P ) I think that my best experience with English was my journey to Great Britain.... I have met there really nice English guy(kisses for Erfan! :) ) But this is an old story... I used to write a Gundam Wing's fanfiction in English too. I wrote 10 chapters :D But then I got bored. Ok, that's all for now... :) May the Force be with you

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