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Rozwiązany: Alpha Protocol - Jak zabić Marburga ?


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Trzeba odpowiednio poprowadzić dialog z Marburgiem. Jak już trochę go podniszczysz, to zaczniecie gadać. Zaspojleruję, żeby nie zdradzać innym.

Wybierając określone kwestie możesz sprowokować Marburga, żeby się wściekł i z krzykiem wyskoczył na ciebie zza rogu z pistoletem w dłoni. Oczywiście będzie wtedy łatwym celem. Należy tak kierować rozmową, żeby doprowadzić go do szału. Nie pamiętam dokładnie tych linii dialogowych, ale trzeba z niego kpić i ogólnie umniejszać jego rolę w całym spisku.

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Tutaj masz podane co i jak:

After some research, there appear to be multiple steps you need to take if you want to kill Marburg in Rome:

  • Get the Suave perk. It can be obtained by using Suave replies with Mina when you start the game. Use suave replies till you get the perk. It triggers itself in the final Rome mission and allows you to bait him.
  • You need to have a majority of Suave responses in all of your dialogues in that playthrough, else the perk wont trigger. For instance, Madison and Grigori respond well to most Suave stances, Steven and Mina like a good number of them as well, and Conrad will also contribute to the count - see below. To reduce the odds of not having enough of those responses, do the final Rome mission as soon as possible.
  • Its been established that -3 or lower is the reputation you need to have with Conrad for this to work. To achieve this, just use Suave replies during every single option with Marburg, and you will at least reach this number when you start the duel. Having met SIE and having a positive relation with her will get you another -1, and killing CIA and NSA agents in Rome will get it lower even more. If you have a negative relation with SIE, Michael will tell Marburg that meeting her wasn't pleasant. This will give you +1 with Marburg.
  • It appears that taunting Marburg is much easier if Mike goes after the Bombs instead of Madison: you got a chance to use Suave responses 5 or 6 times as well as the possibility of the additional reputation decrease. If you choose to go after Madison, you can use Suave responses just twice with no reputation changes.
  • During the "bait" dialogue, Mike will tease Marburg using info on Deus Vult and Conrad. This suggests you need to have a certain amount of intel on Deus Vult and Conrad, and I have a good idea where to get it: when you get a mail from Mina telling about the "DV" server, choose the "I'm not familiar with that server. Look into it" response - I believe its the aggressive response, not sure though. Mina will mail you a wall of text regarding Deus Vult. The intel here doesn't appear to go the dossier, since there is no download option. Maybe Mike this intel to bait the enemy (NOT confirmed: Thorton can successfully taunt Marburg without reading this message). Just to be sure, get ALL the intel you can on Deus Vult and Conrad.

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