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Metal Ogólnie

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O [beeep]... zgodziles sie ze mna... ide sie upic, bo chyba koniec swiata jest blisko, wiec nie ma czasu do stracenia ;)

Eee.. to byl juz trzeci raz od keidy jestem modem. Poza tym w przepowiedni bylo siedem pieczeci, a to dopiero 3, jeszce trocje czasu jest :wink::wink: .

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Jak dla mnie polowa tego to jakies smieszne, sztuczne i nikomu niepotrzebne podzialy (holocaust? nailthrowing? war? i pare innych)

Nom.. i nie tylko dla Ciebie :]

O [beeep]... zgodziles sie ze mna... ide sie upic, bo chyba koniec swiata jest blisko, wiec nie ma czasu do stracenia ;)


W tej kwestii, chyba po raz pierwszy, jednomyślni są wszyscy modkowie. :)

w teledysku większość ujęć jest z Wrocka więc warto to mieć...a najlepiej kupić to w necie (powinno być na )

Widziałem ten teledysk i nawet nie wiedziałem, że to Wrocek. :) Piosenka fajna - bez rewelacji, ale fajna. [tak naprawdę to pierwsza z DoD, którą miałem okazję usłyszeć :D]

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Gość Chess_Board
Wczesniej niz co?

wczesniej niz przed premiera Nordland.

Lol.. pagan metal.. hehe.. przeciez to brzmi identycznie jak black, buehehe.. chyba chciales powiedziec pagan black metal.

To zaleezy, bo Viking Metal na poczatku byl nazywany Pagan Metalem, stad tez ten podzial. Jesli chodzi o Pagan... to tak, owszem, nawet Burzum mozna nazwac swego rodzaju Pagan Metalem, ale chodzilo mi raczej o pierwsza nazwe dla Viking.

Sugerujesz, ze black metal ogolnie nie jest zaangazowany ideologicznie? Nom, ciekawe podejscie :lol:

? Sugeruje po prostu, ze Black Metal jest najbardziej zaangazowana ideologicznie muzyka jaka istnieje. Proste i tresciwe, zadnej w tym ironii nie bylo.

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Gość Chess_Board

Nordlandy bylysabeda tylko i wylacznie 2 - czyli tyle, ile ich do tej pory wyszlo. Kworton po prostu nagral za duzo materialu i nie mial jak tego wydac, bo wytwornie podejzliwie podchodza do dwuplytowych albumow - wiec zrobil dwa oddzielne, proste ;)

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Gość sleash
kto powie mi coś więcej o zespole Demons And Wizadrs?

Jest to projekt lidera i wokalisty Iced Earth Jona Schaffera oraz wokalisty Blind Guardian - Hansiego Kurscha. W sumie, ciekawa plytka, ale jakas wybitna nie jest. Ot, takie polaczenie IE z BG :wink:

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kto powie mi coś więcej o zespole Demons And Wizadrs?
Jest to projekt lidera i wokalisty Iced Earth Jona Schaffera oraz wokalisty Blind Guardian - Hansiego Kurscha. W sumie, ciekawa plytka, ale jakas wybitna nie jest. Ot, takie polaczenie IE z BG :wink:

Jon Schaffer nie robi w Iced Earth wokali wiodacych. Tylko chorki.

Tak wogole to ciezko nazwac D&W zespolem, to to tylko uboczny projekt, ktory nagral dawno temu jeden album. Plyta IMO swietna, z tymi bardzo charakterystycznymi gitarami Schaffera i swietnymi wokalami. Polecam.


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Gość sleash
kto powie mi coś więcej o zespole Demons And Wizadrs?
Jest to projekt lidera i wokalisty Iced Earth Jona Schaffera oraz wokalisty Blind Guardian - Hansiego Kurscha. W sumie, ciekawa plytka, ale jakas wybitna nie jest. Ot, takie polaczenie IE z BG :wink:

Jon Schaffer nie robi w Iced Earth wokali wiodacych. Tylko chorki.

Tak wogole to ciezko nazwac D&W zespolem, to to tylko uboczny projekt, ktory nagral dawno temu jeden album. Plyta IMO swietna, z tymi bardzo charakterystycznymi gitarami Schaffera i swietnymi wokalami. Polecam.


Kurde, oczywiscie ze Schaffer nie jest wokalista IE, po prostu mi sie slowa popieprzyly :wink:

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szkoda, ze Demons & Wizards nagralo tylko jedno plyte, jak dla mnie przynajmniej byla swietna, ba nawet i genialna, jak na polaczenie IE i BG wyszla znakomicie, jest na niej kilka niesamowitych utworow, ktorych sluchalem tyle razy ze zliczyc nie moge :)

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Gość Chess_Board
Mi chodziło o to ile płyt nazwać jeszcze można Nordland.. Bathory jak się niemylę miało ze 3......

To zalezy czy zalezy ci na muzyce nordlandowej czy koncepcie liryczno-przekazowym :)

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Mi chodziło o to ile płyt nazwać jeszcze można Nordland.. Bathory jak się niemylę miało ze 3......

To zalezy czy zalezy ci na muzyce nordlandowej czy koncepcie liryczno-przekazowym :)

Dobra skończmy bo niema co się rozwodzić na temat nordlandsów :D było ich kilka i jeszcze kilka bedzie, jak dla mnie tytół płyty jest niewazny, no chyba że ktoś upadnie na głowę i nazwie płyte SAtanistic Teletubbies. o zgrozo......

Pozdrawiam :D

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Gość Chess_Board
no chyba że ktoś upadnie na głowę i nazwie płyte SAtanistic Teletubbies

no nie wiem co ty masz do tego tytulu, jak dla mnie - OK. Prawie tak dobre, jak tytuly niektorych piosenek mojego kumpla - "Pingwiny Na Syberie"; "To Jest Wojna, Hahaha"; "Remasturbacja (to wymyslil pod wielkim wplywem ktorejs z czesci Matrixa) albo: "We Need A Krowi Placek"; "The Keeper Of A Holy Masło"...

koles twierdzi, ze gra Black Metal, choc tak naprawde za duzo w tym country, jak na moje ucho :D

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Keppers of the holy mało podoba mi się :D to jest to... chociaż woałbym nazwe Eat małso nad trink the śmietana of życie :D albo Wenn ich habe kopfsmerz nehme iś tableta....... niewiem czy to ma sęs.........

DObra pytanko kto z was zna zespolik K2....... grają tak elektronicznie.

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Gość Chess_Board

Jesli ktos nie widzial: 101 zasad black metalowca: (nizej jest jeszcze 101 nu-metalowca i 51 powermetala)

1. Don't be gay.

2. Be "true".

3. All people who aren’t "true" are gay.

4. Be grim.

5. Be necro.

6. Be simultaneously grim and necro if at all possible.

7. Break things while being grim and necro.

8. Don't have fun at concerts. Stand around with arms crossed.

9. Repeat all above while denouncing organized religion in any form.

10. Never ever, EVER under ANY circumstances...

11. ...Listen to Peccatum.

12. When someone asks you if you enjoy the music of Mayhem, point out that you only enjoy the music of "the true" Mayhem. Maniac is gay.

13. Don't play with fuzzy things, excepting that by "play" you mean "burn".

14. Don't be Dani Filth.

15. Never, ever, under any circumstances utter the phrase "Kenny G slams, man."

16. Don't be Dani Filth.

17. When your mom tells you to take out the garbage tell her that you're too metal to remove refuse.

18. Run for it!

19. Sodomize a virgin whore.

20. Sodomize anything that is not male. (Fuzzy things look out!)

21. Make sure your album goes out of print about 3 years after its release... so it becomes 'cult'.

22. When in doubt, say "True Norwiegian Black Metal!"

23. If that doesn't work, blast beats can fill any silence.

24. Turn any cross you find upside-down.

25. Nipple twisting is not a blackmetal activity..

26. Write a cult, underground, grim and necro zine. Feature only interviews with bands no one has heard of, even "true" blackmetallers.

27. Never ever, EVER, EVER be open-minded.

28. Never write songs less than 15 minutes long and containing less than 15 adjectives in the title.

29. a) paint face. B) go in woods. c) act like troll.

30. Don't be Mortiis (or Dani Filth).

31. Don't wear white shoes after Labor Day.

32. Don't make jokes only your mom would get.

33. Don't make jokes.

34. When in doubt, scowl with eyes downturned.

35. Don't eat Marshmellow Peeps.

36. To producers of black metal albums: low end! If it doesn't hurt to listen to, it can't be "true".

37. Make sure that no less than half of the musicians on your album are "session" members.

38. When in concert, always growl names of songs so that they are imperceptible. This will ensure that anyone who doesn't have your "cult" LP won't get it.

39. Never play live.

40. When getting ready to go to a show, completely forget that the other people there are not going to the show to look at you.

41. Use barbed wire whenever possible. (Note: this assists in being both "necro" and "grim".)

42. When asked by a non true BMer what BM is, say something like, "BM is the raw essence of pure black evil in man", in any case, make sure that by the conversations end, the other person still has no idea what black metal is.

43. Drive one of your band members to suicide, and claim he died because of the "mainstream" "infecting" the "scene".

44. Reform with "old members" and release an album intended to produce commercial success.

45. When it flops say that you meant it to fail cause anything less wouldn't be "true".

46. Have a side project. Ensure that all other members of your band also have side projects.

47. Fill out the other slots in your other member's side projects as "session" musicians.

48. Record everything in the same studio with the same producer/instruments/equipment/etc.

49. Make sure your album cover never consists of more than three colors (color options allowed: grey, black, white).

50. Publicly state that your band is "non-religious", then use the word "Satan" over 400 times on your one-song thirty-minute album.

51. Never stuff your shoes to make them appear puffy and avoid the wearing of backwards baseball caps if at all possible. Red ones in particular.

52. Insist that music should never progress and that it should still sound the same way it did 9 friggin years ago.

53. Never say "friggin".

54. Never finish anything you start.

55. The word "Hail" is the only appropriate greeting whenever greeting someone "true".

56. If feeling especially true on a given occasion, try "Infernal Hails".

57. All logos must include illegible writing and at least one inverted cross and/or pentagram. This is non-negotiable.

58. When referring to sex with a Metal Chick use only the terminology "sticking my clouded frost-spire into her gates of attrition".

59. Design complex logo for your grim black metal band on binder paper in the middle of math class.

60. Accept every interview you're offered...then pretend that you really don't enjoy being interviewed.

61. Thoroughly enjoy Star Trek: The Next Generation.

62. Wait... scratch that last one. (See rule 1)

63. Never divulge to any outsiders the Exact Day of the Divine Arrival of the Massive Hoof. Instead, inform them that they should be ready to suck the Dark Lord's greasy @#%$ at any time.

64. Use the phrase "suck the dark lord's greasy @#%$" whenever possible.

65. If you ever find that you have somehow become a member of Hecate Enthroned, be sure to piece together a music video of scrap footage of yourself walking around in the woods at night looking evil. Only, instead of being night make sure it's the middle of the @#%$ day, and instead of looking evil, look dorky instead. (See also: rule 1)

666. Own hundreds of black metal albums, demos and bootlegs. Listen to approximately 8 of them regularly.

67. Humping a ceramic Virgin Mary in front of your uncle's house is not "pimping it" (unless you tell her you're done then blow in her face like a shotgun when she turns around).

68. Refrain from using keyboard smilies when communicating via the Internet. Single acceptable smily: -(

69. Why isn't the word "Northern" in your album title yet!? Get to it! Amatuers...

70. Spelling things correctly is neither grim nor necro.

71. Norsk Arysk Blak Metal! Rahhh!!

72. No matter where you're from, pretend you're from Norway and therefore 'true'.

73. Don't be Dani Filth. (I think that's clear)

74. All pets you own now will henceforth be known as "Crucifier". Any pets you own in the future will also be known as "Crucifier".

75. True black metaller: "Many of our dark hymns are influenced by the mighty Tolkien... You have not read the works of Tolkien!? Nerd. Wait a minute... It appears I am the nerdy one after all!"

76. @#%$, I'm talking to myself again.

77. Norsk Arysk Blak Metal! Rahhh!!

78. That's better, on with the interview!

80. Create inverted crosses in all possible instances. Suggested tools: Drum sticks, twigs, pool cues, pencils, etc. (See also "clouded frost spire")

81. Profess publicly that you are a Satanist and add that you are in touch with Norway's ancient Pagan past. Pretend that somehow those two facts make sense in conjunction.

82. Stick your dick in the mashed potatoes.

83. Don't make Beastie Boys references.

84. Don't make references.

85. Satanus. Huh huh huhuhuhuh.

86. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh.

87. If possible, design the title of your album so that it consists of three completely unrelated words. Dimmu Borgir are the master of this (i.e. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, Godless Savage Garden) but you may also want to refer to Immortal's "Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism".

88. As we all know, women have no place in the homoerotic world of black metal, but if your girl friend still won't stop bugging you about wanting to be involved in your band, give her a lame spoken word part or something.

89. Never form a band containing you, your wife and/or girlfriend, and some gay looking guy. (See also: rule 11)

90. Go to bed when your mom tells you to.

91. If it's rare, it must be good. Order it immediately.

92. I will not add that as it is not metal enough.

93. Are you metal enough to be reading this?

94. Own every Darkthrone release. Listen to exactly none of them.

95. Own cult-as-@#%$ shirts of bands you not only own no releases of, but also haven't even heard.

96. Use the phrase "cult-as-@#%$" whenever possible.

97. Attempt to randomly throw the word "@#%$" during random segments of your songs. (Kindly refer to Attilla's work on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.)

98. In order to make your recording more incomprehensible and therefore more "cult", be sure to either select a singer who has only a tenuous grasp on the language to be sung. (Acceptable languages: Norwegian, Latin, Orcish.)

99. I'll tell you what your album lay out needs...Some titties.

100. And you know what else? How long since you acted like a troll? Pick up that makeup and fight, soldier!

101. You mean to tell me you read this whole thing when you could've have been prancing about in the forest with an axe? For shame! For shaaaaame!!

by Harry and Steve of Kail


101 zasad dla nu-metalowca! Jesli ktos mi zacznie jojczyc ze to nie metal, to trudno, poczytajcie, ja sie zarykiwalem ze smiechu :D

1. When asked who your musical influences are, say Black Sabbath -- always Black Sabbath.

2. Make sure you don´t sound like Black Sabbath at all even though you said that they´re your musical influences.

3. Make fun of popular music especially Britney Spears and any boyband. This is non-negotiable.

4. When conducting interviews always say the words "@#%$", "fag", and "@#%$".

5. Accept interviews only from the following music magazines: Metal Edge, Revolver, Alternative Press, Hit Parader, Guitar World, Kerrang! and Rolling Stone.

6. Pay them $50 to mention the word "metal" in correlation with your music, in every single interview.

7. Add another $50 if they are able to invent a new genre dedicated solely to your band -- ie. Death Metal Disco (Static X), Melodic-core (Thursday), Christian Rap Metal (POD).

8. Make sure that at least one of your band members have an existing side project, or at least planning to start one.

9. Ask your mom to go to the nearest "Ross" beauty shop to buy six boxes of Lander hair gel.

10. Use the word "gay" when referring to anything you don´t like.

11. No guitar solos.

12. Your drumming techniques must consist of "bass-snare, bass-snare" drumming only.

13. In order for your bassist to win a "Best Bass Player Award", make sure that they...

14. ...are female or...

15. ...use the "slap and pop" playing style.

16. Jump in the air while playing your guitar, and while in mid-air place the guitar on your side.

17. During concerts, ask your audience to sing along...

18. ...jump up and down...

19. ...put their hands in the air...

20. ...flash their middle-fingers...

21. ...and be careful not to hurt each other.

22. In the liner notes of your album, dedicate it to your parents, and to more than 15 different nu-metal bands with at least 4 bands which you borrowed your sound from.

23. Your second album must be weaker than the first one.

24. Make sure that at least one band member...

25. ...has been previously arrested...

26. ...drinks beer...

27. ...or smokes marijuana.

28. During interviews deny any form of drug-use in your band.

29. Say you hate Limp Bizkit, then contradict your statement by sticking up for bands like Taproot, Drowning Pool, and Primer 55.

30. When describing bands which you think are good, end every statement with "kicks ass".

31. When describing bands you hate, end every statement with either "sucks dick", or "@#%$ sucks ass".

32. Pretend that you´ve been abused as a child and when no one believes you, hold...

32. ...your depressing song lyrics as evidence, and if that doesn´t work...

33. ...donate 3% of your earnings to anti-child abuse foundations.

34. Your record label must be either one of the following (and there subsidiaries): Sony, Interscope, Warner, Geffen, Virgin, Roadrunner, and Island/Def Jam.

35. Wear baseball caps, shades, wallet-chains, or any other fancy-schmancy fashion accessory EVERYTIME.

36. Your pants must be 3 times larger than your original waist length.

37. Say "shaznit".

38. Say "tight as @#%$" whenever possible.

39. Pretend that you hate MTV, and say that you detest the playing of your videos without your consent -- but deep down inside you really like the way they promote your music.

40. When meeting up with Kurt Loder and Carson Daly, be sure to meet up with Fred Durst to ask for pointers.

41. Always give credit to Korn and say they brought back "metal" from the dead.

42. Make sure you have at least one female member.

43. Be at every single "Ozzfest" tour.

44. Your t-shirts must be plain black with your logo in front and a teen-angst quote in the back.

45. Pretend that you design your own website.

46. Get Ross Robinson, GGGarth, or Brendan O´ Brien to produce your record.

47. Always make sure that you delay your album release. If it´s scheduled for June 5, move it to July 7. Do this at least twice per album.

48. Ask guest rappers or any member from another nu-metal band to participate on your album.

49. Always whine.

50. Close your eyes when singing to show how "depressed" you are -- ie. Staind

51. Body piercings are a must.

52. Make sure that you have at least one band member that´s bald...

53. ...or have a goatee.

54. Pretend that you hate the world.

55. During live shows, make sure that you dive to the crowd and ask them to return you back.

56. Your pants must be low-waist, and must show your boxers underneath when you lift your shirt.

57. Your drummer must be topless during live concerts.

58. Bite the microphone when singing.

59. Swing the microphone stand while headbanging in unison.

60. Always suck up to the crowd during a live performance -- ie. "its a good day to be here in Los-@#%$-Angeles!"

61. Insert the word "@#%$" in the middle of two words -- ie. "I like coco-@#%$-nut"

62. Zildijan must be your official cymbals.

63. Your guitars must be Ibanez or Fender. Accept no substitutes.

64. Always use seven-string guitars.

65. The more stomp boxes and pedals you have, the bigger the chances of you winning a "Best Guitar Player" award. So get to it!

66. Wear facepaints or masks, and when someone labels you a Slipknot rip-off say that you existed as early as 1977.

67. When someone asks how your next album is going to turn out, say that its going to be the "heavy-@#%$-iest album of all @#%$ time".

68. Read #67 but add more of the word "@#%$" as much as possible for emphasis.

69. Make sure that when it comes out, it doesn´t sound as heavy as you said it would be.

70. Your song lyrics must have the word "@#%$" on at least 3 songs. This rule only applies to pretentious "tough-as-nails" bands.

71. Pick fights with random bands to show how "bad-ass" you are.

72. If you intend to copy someone else´s sound -- don´t use any form of profanity whatsoever when writing song lyrics, so the attention of the critiques will be focused on the lyrical content instead of your music. For more information, ask Linkin Park because they are considered as the "masters" of this art.

73. When kids start calling your band "sell-outs", reply that if they were on your position they´d do the same thing as well.

74. When kids start calling you a copycat, say that the band you´re being compared to is one of your musical influences or....

75. ...its just a coincidence.

76. Make fun of gay people at all times. This is a perfect way to hide the fact that you´re a closet gay.

77. When your parents tells you to go to your room -- go to your room.

78. You must have a studio album out every year. If you can´t pull a studio album in just a year, an album with demos and remixes of old songs will do.

79. Make sure that you get into a scuffle with security on every single concert you partake in to cause a "scene".

80. Wash your sneakers only 4 times a year.

81. Wear clothes from a particular clothing company -- and soon they will ask you to endorse their wardrobe. Perfect choices are Adidas and Puma.

82. Release a video that contains nothing but backstage footage of your band making asses out of themselves.

83. During live shows say that you´re about to perform a song they already know. Utter the first word of the song title then ask the fans to complete the name of the song by pointing the mic towards them. Keep on doing it until they scream the title crystal clear, or if you´ve wasted 5 minutes just getting them to complete the task.

84. Your fanbase must comprise of 90% morons that have usernames on the internet patterned after your band (ie. Mudvayne fans - DeathBloomsDig99) and the last 10% with smart guys that use original names.

85. Your band name must be a mispelling of an original word.

86. When parents start blaming your band for having songs that incite violence, turn the blame back on them by saying "you never spent time enough with your kids".

87. When someone points out the similarities of your music with another band which rose to popularity just recently, pretend that you´ve never heard of them before.

88. Cancel at least 5 of the tour dates you intend to play in the near future.

89. Claim that the posturings of anger and depression in your songs are genuine.

90. Insist that your band is "metal" at all times.

91. Best Buy and Hot Topic must be your core album distributors.

92. Say that you´re going to commit suicide whenever no one pays attention to you.

93. Your idea of being unique is donning black and white facepaint and acting like a depressed troll in your bedroom.

94. Pretend that you like Kittie´s music but in reality you just want to score on at least one member.

95. Say that rule #94 is a lie! Then stomp your foot on the ground repeatedly while screaming "that´s not true! that´s not true!" over and over again.

96. Your first radio single must have clean vocals or at least melodic riffing.

97. Waste your time writing a song dedicated to taking potshots at the critiques and the people that make fun of your otherwise STUPID music.

98. If you are a new band, cover an old 80s song and make it as catchy as you can. Ship this song as your first radio single -- instant success!

99. Participate in as many compilation albums as you can.

100. Strictly no guitar solos.

101. You are offended personally by every single rule written above.


A tutaj z koleji 51 zasad dla powermetalowca, aby nie byc okreslanym jako gej:

51 Rules for a Power Metal fan to avoid being labeled as gay

1. No matter what you do, you are gay

2. Don't enjoy manOwar, they are gay

3. Never go outside carrying a sword.

4. Don't hold you sword and scream "poweeeeeer of steeel". That is gay

5. Do not talk about fantasy lyrics as if they belong in metal.

6. Do not talk about fantasy worlds.

7. Never talk about hobbits. Hobbits are gay

8. Do not have a band that has the word or variation of the word Elf in it.

9. Don't say Hail and Kill. That is quite homosexual.

10. Avoid saying, "man that guy sure has a great falsetto!"

11. If most of the singers in the bands you enjoy have voices higher than your girlfriend, you are gay

12. Scratch that, you have no girlfriend.

13. Do not buy a cd that has the word Dragon in it. Dragons are not gay but you cannot push your luck.

14. Avoid referring to Hammerfall as "the saviours", or "the templars".

15. Don't listen to Hammerfall more that twice a year. Hammerfall are gay

16. Do not live in your parents basement.

17. Do not live with your parents.

18. Do not ask your mother to wash your Tolkien underwear.

19. Try to play chords that do not sound like 2nd rate Helloween.

20. That's all you know? You are gay

21. Do not go to Renaissance faires. That is beyond gay

22. If you go do not wear a Peter Pan outfit.

23. Do NOT carry your sword.

24. If you see a maiden ask for a blowjob.

25. Don't talk to her about manOwar. Refer to rule 2.

26. Do not refer to intercourse as "returning the dragon to its lair"

27. Scratch that. You do not have intercourse.

28. Do not listen to faggoth.

29. Power Metal and Faggoth combined make you a drag queen.

30. Do not get offended when people say that Stratovarius sounds like Helloween.

31. Do not write personal letters to Timo Tolkki.

32. Avoid saying "Slays."

33. Don't refer to Death Metal as "cookie monster crap".

34. If you do not like Death Metal, pretend to know something about it.

35. Cradle of Filth are not Death Metal. Fag!

36. Cradle of Filth are not Black Metal. Fag!

37. Never enjoy Cradle of Filth. See 101 Rules of Black Metal.

38. Don't masturbate to a picture of Yngwie Malmsteen.

39. Don't masturbate to a picture of manOwar. Cretin.

40. Don't masturbate wearing leather.

41. Don't masturbate wearing armor.

42. Switch hands.

43. Avoid saying the word "Power" too often.

44. If you have a band do not use the following words in your song titles: Metal, False, True, Metal, Sword, Steel, Heathen, Warrior, Metal, Kings, Battles.

45. Try to communicate with non-metal listeners. Do not brush them off as Posers.

46. Do not wear frilly shirts. Leave that up to Boy George.

47. Never say "Heavy metal or no metal at all". In other words, don't be gay

48. Don't wear loin cloths. You know what’s coming. gay

49. Don't scream "metal brother" at concerts unless you like beatings.

50. Don't be Dani Filth...err i mean, NEVER carry your sword outside your house!

51. Refer to rule 1.


I to wszystko... mnie to wszystko rozwalilo totalnie...

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Cholera wyszło na to że jestem gejem ! JA lubie wychodzić ze swoim mieczm na dwór, szczególnie do parku.... już nigdy nie bede prawdziwkiem :cry: :cry: :twisted:
Heh, nie znam cie Feo :twisted: , a wjazdu na Nanashi 2 tyz nie bedzie :D.


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Ostatnio sie pokłóciłem z kumplem o najlepszy kawałek KATa (klasyk! :D)... On twierdzi że ich najlepszy utworek to "Bastard", moim typem jest "Stworzyłem piękną rzecz"... Może się wypowiecie, który ich kawałek lubicie najbardziej (nie musicie się ograniczać do tych dwóch podanych przeze mnie ;))

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gdyby nie glupawy tekst, moim ulubionym bylaby "Lza Dla Cieniow Minionych", szczegolnie za gitary na poczatku... ale i wspanialy tytul. Ogolnie mowiac to Kata raczej nie trawie...

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